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我们严格的课程将为您提供通过认证委员会(BOC)考试所需的教育和经验,并成为受过高等教育的人, versatile healthcare professional. Interactive coursework, 相关临床经验和以职业为重点的研究机会将为您提供技能,以协助所有类型的患者在伤害预防, injury management and rehabilitation. 学习 how to triage patients, activate emergency action plans, 在不断变化的环境中,与各种各样的人交流,成为全面的医疗保健提供者.

In addition to clinical experience, you'll also have the opportunity to receive professional mentorship from preceptors. As part of a complete health team, you'll have clinical education experiences with a certified athletic trainer and a licensed physician, 监督和协助运动员参加各种运动项目的比赛. 与梅奥诊所在病人护理方面的紧密合作, impactful research and interprofessional practice — as well as other schools, universities and minor league teams in the area — open even more doors to unique internships, experiences and networks. 

如果你还在探索本科课程, 我们的3+2课程选择可以让你获得学士学位 exercise science (pre-athletic training concentration) and master’s degree in athletic training in only five years. This accelerated format allows you to start your master's level coursework in your fourth year, 节省你的时间和金钱,让你更快地进入这个领域. 

无论你的目标是在专业团队的边缘工作,还是在临床环境中管理病人, 我们的课程旨在为您提供必要的经验和知识,以自信地进入职业力量.


The athletic training graduate program at 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 takes your education a step further. 我们与梅奥诊所的独特合作, 以及一流的设施和专家教师, 你将有机会获得独一无二的机会,这将增加你的知识,使你成为一名出色的求职者.

学习 how you can find the real, hands-on learning experiences you're looking for in 澳门葡京网赌送彩金's athletic training graduate program.


Big-time facilities, small class sizes. 澳门葡京网赌送彩金拥有众多的临床设施和运动队,可以让你成为一名全面发展、见多识广的运动教练. 但是整个项目的班级规模都很小, 让你的教育个性化. Here, our expert faculty will know your name and will work closely with you to reach your goals.

Personalized mentorship. 直接和学校的运动教练一起工作, 您将帮助运动员从各种运动-从足球到曲棍球,游泳到足球-并在现实世界中获得第一手经验. 

Professional experience. Our program's strong collaborations with organizations such as Mayo Clinic, 欧克莱尔 Express, 当地的大学和高中会给你提供在各种环境下工作的机会,并获得课堂外宝贵的经验. 你的临床经验甚至可以带你离开这个州,因为你会看到一个运动教练的一天是什么样的. 

Interprofessional curriculum. Curriculum within our athletic training master's degree program includes an interprofessional education component, meaning you'll learn with and from other healthcare providers in a variety of fields. You may work alongside social workers, 护理人员, 护士, 以及交流科学和疾病专家, as you solve real-world problems. 

Endless career possibilities. As a licensed athletic trainer, you'll quickly find endless career paths are available to you. 你可以报道一所小型高中的运动队, monitor a professional sports team, assist the military, 与儿科和青少年运动员合作, help performers in the arts, 或者在运动医学诊所找工作, orthopedic clinics or 医院. 你的学位真的可以带你去任何你想去的地方. 


  • Program length: two years
  • Offered: in person
  • Campus: 欧克莱尔
  • 信用:66
  • 成本: $454 per credit
  • Additional fees: $850 per year
  • 学生将获得理学硕士学位. 

Accreditation information

The Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) has accredited this program since 2021. The program status is “Active in good Standing” and in compliance with all Standards.

Licensure information

美国.S. 教育部要求各机构披露获得专业认证或执照的项目的信息,说明每个项目是否符合国家对初始执照或证书的教育要求.  

本课程的要求满足以下各州的执照要求: 阿拉巴马州, 阿拉斯加, 亚利桑那州, 阿肯色州, 科罗拉多州, 康涅狄格, 特拉华州, 佛罗里达, 乔治亚州, 夏威夷, 爱达荷州, 伊利诺斯州, 印第安纳州, 爱荷华州, 堪萨斯, 肯塔基州, 路易斯安那州, 缅因州, 马里兰, Massachusetts, 密歇根, 明尼苏达州, 密西西比州, 密苏里州, 蒙大拿, 内布拉斯加州, 内华达, New Hampshire, 新泽西, 新墨西哥, 纽约, North Carolina, North Dakota, 俄亥俄州, 俄克拉何马州, 俄勒冈州, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, 田纳西州, 德州, 犹他州, 佛蒙特州, 维吉尼亚州, 华盛顿, West 维吉尼亚州, 威斯康辛州, 怀俄明, and the District of Columbia.

What can I do with a master of science in athletic training degree from 澳门葡京网赌送彩金?

澳门葡京网赌送彩金完成硕士学位后, 您将有资格参加国家认证委员会(BOC)考试,并在您选择执业的州成为有执照的医疗保健提供者. 从那里, your career path may take you in one of four directions: entering the field as an athletic trainer, attending physical therapy school, 攻读更多的研究生学位或进入住院医师项目.

如果你选择做一名运动教练, 在工作设置方面,你比以往任何时候都有更多的选择. 大学和高中都有运动教练, but may also work in the military or staff organizations such as 医院, performing arts organizations, 纳斯卡, rodeos and sports medicine clinics. 那些希望获得更多研究生学位的人可能会找到生物力学家或运动生理学方面的工作. 实习医师项目也适用于毕业生,可以让你在儿科骨科等令人兴奋的领域工作. 

All of these incredible paths begin right 在这里 at UW-欧克莱尔 with a master's degree in athletic training. 


在这个项目的几乎每一门课程中, 你会找到第一手的机会, experiential learning that takes you out of your seat and into the field — literally. 课程是互动的,提供了小组工作的机会,并实践了类似于未来患者使用的测试和程序. 课程确保您将了解行业所需的内容, including appropriate treatment practices and the latest techniques used in the field.


Your classes may cover topics like: 

学习 more about the 澳门葡京网赌送彩金课程目录中的运动训练研究生课程

Application information

访问我们的 graduate admissions page 查看申请流程、截止日期和所需材料.

Students applying as part of the 4+1 program only need to complete the ATCAS application.

Admission requirements


  1. An overall GPA of 3.0 at application with a BS/BA degree from a regionally accredited university, 在进入课程之前完成.
  2. The following courses must be completed with a letter grade of C or better, earned and documented on official transcripts prior to matriculating into the program:

International students must meet the English Language Test score requirements as listed on the 招生-研究生 Student webpage.

Please note:

申请不构成接受程序,也不保证接受仅仅在满意地完成要求. Admission requirements are weighted. 加权标准包括总GPA (35%), 解剖学/Physiology Grades (15%), GPA from Prerequisites (20%), 推荐信评估(15%), and interview scores (15%). 根据M的建议,可以对这些要求提出例外.S. 运动训练申请委员会委员.

M.S. 在运动训练中,应用是一个竞争的过程. A committee reviews completed graduate applications and selects applicants to interview. 委员会将与学生安排时间完成面试过程(视频会议或亲自). The committee will forward their recommendations regarding acceptance into the M.S. 向研究生院院长汇报运动训练项目. 所有威斯康星大学欧克莱尔研究生课程政策将遵循.

选择转入本课程的学生必须满足所有威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校研究生课程和课程要求. 体育训练招生委员会将审查所有正式成绩单,以确定以前课程的转学资格.

For more information, please contact: 

Dr. Robert Stow (Program Director)

Additional information

所有从ATP毕业并符合CAATE制定的标准的学生都有资格参加认证委员会(BOC)国家认证考试. 成功完成中国银行认证考试允许个人成为注册运动教练,并有资格获得国家执照.

“Currently, 49 states and the District of Columbia regulate the practice of athletic training. 在进行运动训练之前,个人必须得到适当的州监管机构的法律认可. The BOC exam is recognized by all Athletic Trainer state regulatory agencies to meet their exam requirement. Compliance with state regulatory requirements is mandatory and the only avenue to legal athletic training practice.” (BOC, 2020)

Student transportation

Students in the athletic training program must provide their own transportation to and from clinical experiences. 一些临床经验可能需要到其他社区旅行.

Associated costs

Along with the tuition and fees, 被ATP录取的学生承担与入学有关的所有费用, 说教的, and clinical experiences. 这些相关费用可能包括但不限于:

Program outcomes

威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的运动训练项目自1970年成立以来一直非常成功. 该计划不仅在认证委员会(BOC)考试(州执照要求考试)中显示出很高的成功率,而且总体通过率为98%(一些校友选择不参加考试)。, 还有94%的毕业生在毕业后6个月内的就业率. 所有在澳门葡京网赌送彩金完成本科教育后寻求就业或研究生学习的项目校友都能找到它. Our graduates are or have been employed in a variety of athletic training practice settings, including high schools, colleges and universities, professional athletic programs, 医院, medical offices, 表演艺术背景和军队. 您可以查看我们项目的中银通过率, 以及所有其他不同类型的机构, 通过访问我们的认证机构的项目成果页面,在该国各机构(按地区)参加BOC考试的学生人数:

Program Retention Rate


2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023
Enrolled Students 10 8 9
Retention Rate (%) 100 80 100

Program BOC Pass Rate

2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 3 Yr Aggregate
从项目毕业的学生人数 14 3 4 21


14 3 4 21


9 3 4 16


64 100 100 76

Number of students who passed the examination regardless of the number of attempts

13 3 4 20

Percentage of students who passed the examination regardless of the number of attempts

93 100 100 95

Program Graduation Rate

2020-2021 20201-2022 2022-2023 3 Yr Aggregate
从项目毕业的学生人数 14 3 4 21
Student completion rate (%) 88 43 80 75

Student Employment/Placement Rate

毕业生就业/安置率:毕业后六个月内获得以下类别职位的学生百分比:就业为体育教练, employed as "other" or not employed.

2020-2021 20201-2022 2022-2023 3 Yr Aggregate
Number of students Employed as AT 11 3 4 18
学生就业/安置率AT (%) 79 100 100 86
Number of students employed as other 2 0 0 2


14 0 0 10

Number of students not employed

1 0 0 1

Student Not Employed Rate (%)

7 0 0 5


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考虑攻读运动训练硕士学位? 这里还有一些你可能感兴趣的节目.

Department information



McPhee Physical Education Center 208
509 University Drive
欧克莱尔, WI 54701