

With a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校, you'll better understand the human experience and how you can use it to support others. 

植根于体验式学习, our versatile degree allows you to choose a career path that best aligns with both your personal and professional goals. 课程集中在四个核心领域:生物, 发展, 学习与认知, 和社会文化. Multiple electives within those topics allow you to pursue specific interests and discover ways you can make a positive impact on others. 

作为本科研究的顶级硕士级大学, opportunities to collaborate with faculty on groundbreaking research projects are endless. Explore memory function and confidence, minority mental health or the impact of addictions. Innovative and state-of-the-art facilities — equipped with observation rooms and video equipment — allow you to take your learning and studies a step further. 

无论你走哪条路, 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的心理学学位课程将为你提供指导, 选择你的方向和帮助塑造生活所需的工具和知识. 

Kaitlyn Zenner will be an English teaching assistant in 西班牙 through the Fulbright Program. She will graduate in May with majors in Spanish and psychology and a minor in neuroscience.

从美国推广心理健康知识.S. 到西班牙

作为富布赖特英语助教奖学金的获得者, psychology and Spanish major Kaitlyn Zenner will spend a year in La Rioja, 西班牙, 教幼儿和小学儿童.

在她当布鲁戈尔德的时候, Kaitlyn's outside-the-classroom experiences — through a Human Development Center summer reading program and the Early Childhood Literacy program (ECLIPSE) — have prepared her to foster literacy and social/emotional skills with children in La Rioja.



将你的学习带到实地的机会. 在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校, 我们相信,为了最大限度地利用你的教育, 你需要在课堂之外有真实的经历. 许多心理学专业的学生都参加研究旅行或出国留学. Explore places like Yosemite National Park, Guatemala, Germany, Thailand and Argentina.

创新的设施和领先的技术. 在我们一流的设施里测试你的假设, 包括最先进的实验室, rooms equipped for group or individual experiments and behavior observation rooms with videotape equipment.

支持性教师和个性化学习. Courses are taught by passionate, enthusiastic professors who know and love their fields. 通过创意项目和演讲, they go out of their way to immerse you in the diverse world of psychology. Small class sizes help you form meaningful relationships and gain an even more personalized education.

获得有吸引力的实习机会. Internships offer opportunities to apply the concepts you're learning in the classroom, and they can help you define the areas of psychology you're most interested in. Many psychology majors complete internships at the Children’s Nature Academy, the Human Development Center or at one of UW-Eau克莱尔's many other community or campus partners.

研究合作和实际经验. 作为威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校心理学专业的学生, you will find faculty who are excited to get you involved in their current research projects. You may help investigate how children with autism communicate or what motivates people. Some students choose to take their findings a step further by presenting their research at regional, 国内和国际会议, 允许更多的网络和学习机会. 

与本地雇主的联系. Annual on-campus Career Conferences and a Non-Profit and Government Career Fair bring potential employers right to you. These events are excellent opportunities to network and submit your resume for current and future job openings. 






在照顾一个患有自闭症的弟弟多年之后, Erika阮 always knew she wanted to pursue a career that focuses on helping people. 在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校, Erika found a path that will help her make a positive difference in the lives of others who — like her brother — are struggling with their mental health and other related issues.



  • 课程长度:四年
  • 提供:亲自
  • 校园:欧克莱尔
  • 这个专业需要辅修或证书.
  • 这个课程也可以作为辅修课程. 
  • Students majoring in this program may choose either a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS) degree.
  • 心理学俱乐部
  • Psi气


A psychology degree from UW-Eau克莱尔 opens doors to career paths you may have never even thought of, 比如成为一名行为健康倡导者或研究助理. Many psychology students choose to continue their academic careers and earn a graduate degree so that they can work as a practicing psychologist. 对于那些有兴趣成为学校心理学家的人, 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校提供学校心理学教育专家学位.



我喜欢在澳门葡京网赌送彩金的时光. 这是我在这里接受的优质教育的结果, I chose to continue my education as a Blugold through the school psychology graduate program. Through undergraduate experiences and help from professors along the way, I’ve found my calling.

考特尼斯登 心理学

心理学教师焦点:博士. 斯泰西杰克逊

A diverse discipline that explores the human mind and behavior is at the core of Dr. 斯泰西杰克逊 work as an assistant professor of psychology and counselor in Counseling Services at UW-Eau克莱尔. Jackson says many students in her introductory psychology courses aren't majors in the field, but are curious about the teachings and learn how they can be applied in all aspects of life.

“I love having the opportunity to expose students to material within a field that they may never have sought out on their own. 我经常让学生们反思他们在这门课上的经历, 声明, ‘I’ve really enjoyed what I’ve learned and want to pursue this as a major and look into careers within this field.'"


心理学专业的学生将经历丰富, 全面的文科教育, with classes and opportunities that go beyond what you might typically expect from a psychology program. You'll learn about a wide variety of subjects that interest you and have opportunities to further explore those you want to learn more about. Pair your major with a minor or certificate in another field that interests you for a pathway to even more careers.  



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我在考虑心理学学士学位? 这里还有一些你可能感兴趣的节目.




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